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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Life Span and Development
Question: Talk about the Life Span and Development. Answer: Presentation: Progeria is an uncommon hereditary issue. In the video I saw that in this uncommon and unfathomable ailment, the kid creates side effects of untimely maturing. The normal life expectancy of a human experiencing progeria is thirteen years. After a nearby watch, I saw that the narrative Life According to Sam portrays the account of a youngster experiencing the lethal malady progeria. It shows the battle of the guardians of the little Sam to spare him from this uncommon and deadly illness. Sam was conceived of guardians Dr. Scott Berns and Dr. Leslie Gordon. At the point when the malady was recognized, Dr Leslie Gordon was in the principal year of her clinical residency. As indicated by my exploration and investigation, when the ailment was first found in 1988, there was no examination, no treatment and no establishment. Inside a half year of conclusion, Scott Leslie and Audrey made The Plagiarism Research Foundation. I found that it was Dr. Scott and Dr. Leslie who recognized the quali ty to blame inside a range of ten years. In this ailment, kids create cardiovascular ailments that elderly individuals by and large endure. They don't have a typical cardiovascular framework. Youngsters experiencing progeria have a high substance of progerin in their qualities. This quality ages the cardiovascular arrangement of the body. The narrative takes us to the life and excursion of the progeria hit kid Sam who was determined to have progeria at two years old. The ailment was first found by Hutchinson in 1886. Quite a while later, in 1894, broad exploration was finished by Gilford. He distributed a progression of photos delineating the indication of progeria at various stages. Sam, dissimilar to numerous different patients experiencing such deadly infections makes an intrigue to the watchers that they should not feel awful for him on account of the compassion that is given to kids like Sam. Like the guardians of Sam, I consider guardians such patients must have a similar soul of getting a charge out of life. The individuals around such youngsters must be a wellspring of motivation. Guardians of youngsters like Sam are exceptionally cautious and attentive with the maturing kid. This disposition is a lot of self-evident. Be that as it may, as I would like to think, guardians and relatives must treat these kids regularly and have a positive and idealistic disposition. The narrative shows that kids experiencing progeria were united. They experienced in excess of hundred tests for over five days at Boston Childrens Hospital. We can perceive how Sam feels isolated and separated from numerous things that give him his personality. Youngsters needed to persevere through various needles. The most exceedingly awful part about the test was the clinical photography that Sam needed to experience. Such a treatment causes them to feel like an example. Be that as it may, he keeps up elegance all through the meeting. We, if there should arise an occurrence of Sam Berns, can apply the adapting hypothesis of Folkman and Lazarus that is large scale systematic in inception. Lazarus indicates adapting procedures and orders them into eight gatherings. This incorporates looking for help from society, self-controlling, positive reappraisal, tolerating obligation, escape-shirking, separating, planful critical thinking, and confrontative adapting. The story isn't just about how Sam adapts to his illness, yet additionally about his moms battle to spare his child from the deadly progeria. We discover Dr. Scott Berns and Dr. Leslie Gordon continually tolerating their obligation, looking for social help, keeping up discretion, and attempting to understand and fix the ailment planfully to fix the kids experiencing progeria. Sam has a constructive reappraisal towards his life and doesn't need individuals to feel awful about him. I think we, at numerous purposes within recent memory additionally want to be an example and an object of look. Something that is uncommon and stands apart of the group is inclined to draw the consideration of the individuals. In such a circumstance, a great many people feel being threatened and anxious. The greater part of the occasions we don't care to catch the eye of the group. The narrative and the life of Sam give its watchers a one of a kind chance to teach understudies and take a gander at the more splendid side of life. The incredible assurance and soul of such kids is extremely motivating to me. Each obstacle in life must be confronted with a grin. As a medical attendant, rewarding a youngster experiencing progeria might be somewhat troublesome. A progeria persistent experiences maturing however the psychological improvement is that of a youngster. In such a case, it might be hard for a medical caretaker to not permit the youngster to do the exercises that a typical kid does. As an attendant, I would not regard such a youngster as not quite the same as the rest. I would guarantee that he doesn't feel detached and like an example. The uniqueness of the kid must be remembered during the treatment. I will treat him remembering the nobility of the patient. It is critical to understand that nature and environmental factors of the patient deeply affect the brain research of a patient. He should not be dealt with like a patient constantly. A genial and benevolent condition is useful for the kid. In any case, the youngster must not be demonstrated a lot of care and compassion constantly. Such a conduct and mentality may cause him to fe el separated. Being an attendant, it is basic that the respect and estimation of the patient is kept up.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Thomas Stearns Eliot Essays (799 words) - Christian Poetry
Thomas Stearns Eliot Thomas Stearns Eliot was destined to an extremely separated New England family on September 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri. His dad, Henry Ware, was a very fruitful agent and his mom, Charlotte Stearns Eliot, was a poetess. His fatherly granddad built up and directed Washington University. While visiting Great Britain in 1915, World War I began and Eliot took up a perpetual residency there. In 1927, he turned into a British resident. While living in England, Eliot met and wedded Vivienne Haigh-Wood and from the start everything was magnificent between them. At that point he discovered that Vivienne was sick, both truly and intellectually. In 1930, Vivienne had a psychological breakdown and was bound to a psychological emergency clinic until her passing in 1947. Her passing was hard on Eliot and he kicked the bucket on January 4, 1965. A large portion of Eliot's works were delivered from the passionate challenges from his marriage. Due to Eliot's financial status, he went to just the best schools while growing up. He went to Smith Institute in St. Louis and Milton Academy in Massachusetts. In 1906, he began his first year at Harvard University considering theory and writing. He gotten his four year college education in theory in just three years. Eliot went on to learn at the University of Oxford and furthermore at the Sorbonne in Judice 2 Paris. At the Sorbonne, he discovered motivation from authors, for example, Dante and Shakespeare and furthermore from antiquated writing, present day reasoning and Eastern enchantment. T. S. Eliot's first sonnet was The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock written in 1915. It is broadly perceived as one of Eliot's generally splendid sonnets. J. C. C. Mays asserts that, It is one of his most receptive sonnets since it basically faces less challenges than a portion of his later sonnets. The tone of exertion and uselessness of exertion is focal in Eliot's sonnets (Mays 111). Another sonnet, The Waste Land was written in 1922 and it contrasts present day society with social orders of the past. The suspicion of the legendary technique is that our way of life and language once had an unavoidable significance which has been lost in our undeniably normal and intermittent society, yet by recuperating the lost fantasy from inside our way of life, writers can reestablish mythic solidarity to writing (Leavell 146). Eliot changed over his religion to Anglo - Catholicism and in 1927, his verse took on new otherworldly importance. Debris Wednesday was the main sonnet he composed after his transformation. It was written in 1930. It is said that it follows the example of Eliot's otherworldly advancement. It endeavors to make associations between the natural and the unceasing, the expression of man and the Expression of God and the accentuation is on the battle toward conviction. Eliot grows autonomously and starts quickly in the entirety of his works. Debris Wednesday happens in a world which is all pointless, but then is a supplication coordinated around the vast, toward a domain that is at last mysterious (Leavell 152). Judice 3 In the sonnet, A Song for Simeon, a man sees the Incarnation after his introduction to the world. In the wake of seeing this, the man wishes just for death since he feels now that he is liberated from wrongdoing. In this sonnet, Eliot utilized pictures of Jesus' life such as: the execution, Roman fighters, and Judas' treachery of Jesus. I think Eliot utilized these pictures due to how significant Jesus' life and demise are to everybody in the Christian confidence. A Song for Simeon is a basically inside monolog with the reiteration of his petition for harmony, blankness, and demise (Brooker 101). Different sonnets Eliot has composed are: Portrait of a Lady (1915), Mr. Apollinax (1916), Sweeny Among the Nightingales (1918), and Four Groups of four (1943) which he accepted to be his most prominent accomplishment. Eliot moreover composed the play Murder in the Cathedral (1935). It was about the murder of Thomas Becket and was later transformed into a film in 1952. Different plays composed by Eliot are: The Family Reunion (1939), The Cocktail Gathering (1949), The Confidential Clerk (1953), and The Senior Statesman (1959). Thomas Stearns Eliot has been considered by numerous to be the main American artist of this century. His sonnet The Waste Land is a summation of the frustrate and fracture that was felt by such a large number of individuals following the main World War. It contained numerous idyllic methods that changed the substance of current verse (Costa 96). Eliot is viewed as one of the most prominent artists and similarly probably the best pundit to ever live despite the fact that many were put off by his character. He got the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Symbyax Medication for Bipolar Disorder
Symbyax Medication for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Symbyax Medication for Bipolar Disorder Uses, Side Effects, and Research By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Updated on July 11, 2018 Bipolar Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Your Rights Universal Images Group / Getty Images Symbyax is a combination of olanzapine, the active ingredient in Zyprexa, and fluoxetine, the active ingredient in Prozac. It was the first FDA-approved medication for the depressive episodes that occur in bipolar disorder or bipolar depression. Uses Symbyax is prescribed for the treatment of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder. Virtually all patients with this disorder experience the depressive phase commonly referred to as bipolar depression. Patients with bipolar disorder spend an average of one-third of their lives in the depressive phase of this illness. Symbyax can also now be prescribed for treatment-resistant depression. Common Side Effects Common side effects that may go away with time include: Appetite increaseWeight gainDry mouthDiarrheaLosing or not having strengthSexual difficulties, including decreased interest or inability to orgasmErectile dysfunctionTwitchingJoint swelling, redness or pain If any of these side effects dont go away or cause problems, be sure to tell your doctor. Potentially Serious Side Effects If you have any of the following side effects, its important to contact your doctor right away as you may need medical treatment. These potentially serious side effects include: CongestionRunny noseCoughTingling in your hands or feetDementiaDelusionsBody aches or painGaining weight suddenlyDifficulty swallowingSwelling in your arms, legs, hands, feet, or faceDifficulty breathing or speakingMemory problemsChest tightnessVision changesIrregular heartbeatDizziness Research According to a study done around the time Symbyax was approved by the FDA, Symbyax helped to treat the symptoms of bipolar depression more effectively and at a significantly faster rate than placebo. In the eight-week studies, patients in the Symbyax group experienced significantly greater improvement in depressive symptoms compared with patients taking a placebo. That robust symptom improvement was sustained throughout the entire eight weeks of the study. In addition, Symbyax patients had no statistically greater risk of treatment-emergent mania than patients taking a placebo. A more recent study that looked at a series of other studies regarding Symbyax also showed its continued effectiveness in treating and keeping the depressive episodes of bipolar disorder at bay. The only concern was that the side effects may be worse when using Symbyax than they are with other medications, particularly weight gain. Discuss Your Medical History With Your Doctor If you are considering starting Symbyax, discuss your medical history with your healthcare provider. Be sure to tell your doctor if any of the following apply: You are currently taking any medicationsYou are taking Prozac (fluoxetine) or Zyprexa (olanzapine)You are taking or plan to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirinYou are pregnant or plan to become pregnantYou are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeedYou are older than 65 and have dementiaYou have high blood sugar, diabetes or a family history of diabetesYou have liver problemsYou have seizuresYou have high or low blood pressureYou have heart problemsYou have had a strokeYou have an enlarged prostateYou have an eye problem called narrow-angle glaucomaYou have a stomach problem called paralytic ileusYou currently smokeYou drink alcoholYou exercise often
Monday, May 25, 2020
Volkswagen s Impact On The World s Best Known Car...
I. Volkswagen is one of the world’s best-known car manufacturers; unfortunately it has damaged its credibility and reputation with the recent emission scandal that the company was involved in. Volkswagen failed in establishing the triple bottom line, social responsibility, and sustainability. The long and commonly held belief was that the only responsibility of business was to maximize the wealth of its shareholders. Today, however, companies must be socially responsible and focus on what is now called the â€Å"Triple Bottom Line†that is compromised of: environment, economy and people. All of this ties into the sustainability goals that companies are now setting for themselves to show the public that the firm is socially responsible. Recently, Volkswagen has been the center of controversy, because their diesel engines had a device that could detect when they were being tested and change their performance to improve the results. Volkswagen’s recent debacle has highlighted how failing to be socially responsible can come back to haunt a company. The emissions-cheating scandal that Volkswagen was caught in hurt the German carmaker’s image, brand and reputation. Before the scandal, the general public held the Volkswagen brand in high esteem. Volkswagen h as been a car brand that has been known for its reliability and quality. However, in light of the scandal, Volkswagen received a plethora of negative media exposure. A Reuters article stated that the Volkswagen could do harm to theShow MoreRelatedThe Principles Of Teamwork, Leadership Practices, And How These Influenced Business Outcomes Essay1962 Words  | 8 PagesOnce known for quality automobiles, Volkswagen is now perceived as a global corporation that deliberately deceived the U.S. government and defrauded customers. In this paper our team investigated the principles of teamwork, leadership practices, and how these influenced business outcomes. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Marketing Strategy At Nam Silp Thai Eyewear Company
Statement of purpose Today marketing becomes apparently challenging for a new player to jump into a Cutthroat market while other players are seeking for white space. Regardless of top-rank companies, the change of business trends is gathering pace. One aspect of tomorrow s marketer is to come up with practical strategies in order to survive in the existing market. Looking at my personal background, I was born in a family business which has been established for over 50 years by multiple generations. My family companies are well known named NAM SILP THAI EYEWEAR Company Limited, Better Vision Group Company Limited and Thai Optical Group Public Company Limited which are all complete optical businesses which operate as distributors, retailers, and manufacturers. Nowadays, we are a major player in this industry. Our business is not only growing domestically, but also extending worldwide in countries such as Singapore and Malaysia. After gaining experience from MBS, my initial intention is to become a part of the marketing department in the Better Vision Group Company Limited which operates approximately 130 optical chain stores located nationwide. Thus, attending MSc program in Marketing in MBS would have a great impact not only equipping me with an effective ability in marketing but additionally support the development of roadmap and strategies in our company in order to elevate to be Blue-Chip Company. For many years, Alliance Manchester Business School has been well known
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned - 847 Words
Nearly every disease known to humans has been researched at some point in time using animals (Lee). As a matter of fact 100 million animals are used in chemical, food, cosmetic, and medical testing every year (Mendoza). Testing on animals can be cruel and inhumane. Many of the test done to animals have already been performed. Despite animal testing alternatives many researchers still use animals in research today. Animals should not be used in research. Specifically 1.8 million animals are used in university licensed research. For example Oxford University has used 190,169 animals and Cambridge University has used 169,353 animals (Connor 16). Several other universities also use animals in research. Furthermore not all animals are used in†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, many animals are being subjected to sickness, pain, and early death (Moss A.12). For instance live animals are sometimes used in car crash testing (Manning) and one facility removes monkey fetuses by C-secti on, aborts, and sells the fetuses along with the monkeys’ breast milk (Lush). It is important to relize that animals can feel physical pain and can understand and experience emotional pain. In particular monkeys have the intellectual capability similar to young children (Panahi 18). Plus, mice and rats are compassionate, intelligent, and social creatures. For the most part, the understanding of these animals has not reached the public, but over time more and more people have gotten to know what goes on inside research labs (Avila). The battle over animal rights dates back to the 17th century (Spevack). In the year 1655 Edmund O’ Meara states that the pain a subject endures during a dissection will interfere with the accuracy of the results. Then in the year 1892 the American Humane Association wants laws prohibiting the repetition of already known tests. By the time 1959 the three R’s came out: Reduction- fewer animals used in experiments, Replacement- use non-a nimal alternatives, and Refinement- try not to cause pain, distress, or suffering (â€Å"Animal Rights Timeline†).
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Overcoming Hurdles in Intelligence Sharing among L Essay Example For Students
Overcoming Hurdles in Intelligence Sharing among L Essay aw EnforcementOne way to overcome hurdles is to persist in sharing. The easiest intelligence to report to your seniors is received from a creditable source. The same rules should apply for your intelligence product. If some other agency is doing the same investigation as your agency and there is no worry about compromising your investigation, then your intelligence should be disseminated to them. This will encourage them to share what products they have built in other investigations with your office. One of the main problems among intelligence analysts, investigators, etc. is the material is not shared. Having other agencies willing to disclose what has been learned during their investigation could save you a lot of time and research. One of the main problems among intelligence analysts, investigators, etc. is the material is not shared. Having other agencies willing to disclose what has been learned during their investigation could save you a lot of time and research. Another way to overcome the hurdle of not sharing between agencies is to not worry about who gets credit for the arrest and conviction. The bottom line is that the criminal is behind bars due to a good through investigation and analyst. Even if you dont get a mention from the prosecuting attorney about your help in the investigation, as long as you and your agency knows that you did your part to put a bad guy behind bars should be satisfaction enough. The mission accomplishment should be number one, and your personal credit number two. Selling an intelligence program to your senior management is crucial in sharing with other agencies. If your superiors are excited about the programs that you are working on and the products that you are producing, they are going to want others to see what their agency is doing. Nothing makes a boss happier than to show off just how well their organization is accomplishing its mission in intelligence. If your product is a new idea, then you may need to take your time in carefully explaining why your program is better than other ways. If the supervisor is happy with what he sees, he will want others to see it as well. .
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